Free Download Super Hide IP - xhakku

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Super Hide IP

Jadi gini kira-kira IP itu bisa disamakan dengan identitas, tiap kita browsing ya kita punya data atau informasi yang tersimpan di PC kita, ntah itu alamt, nomor rumah, informasi pribadi yang rahasia, atau yang lain seperti itu deh, nah super hide IP berguna untuk menyembunyikan identitas kita ini, dari tangan-tang jahil dan darah-darah muda yang bergejolak tak tentu arah :p, jadi kita aman dalam berselancar di dunia maya, aman itu penting lho, jadi saran saya pake super hide ip ini buat nyembunyiin identitas anda. silahkan donlot

Do you know what your IP address means? Are you aware that your IP address is exposed every time you visit a website? Many websites and hackers use IP address to monitor your home address and other personal information. Your IP address is your online identity and could be used by hackers to break into your computer, steal personal information, or commit other crimes against you. Super Hide IP allows you to surf anonymously, keep your IP address hidden, protect your personal information against hackers and provide full encryption of your  online activity, all with a simple click of a button

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